Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
type | JobType |
None. |
legalowner | string |
None. |
classname | string |
None. |
classid | integer |
None. |
lastname | string |
None. |
firstname | string |
None. |
phone | string |
None. |
adds | Collection of BasicAddress |
None. |
employer | string |
None. |
emp_phone | string |
None. |
emp_adds | Collection of BasicAddress |
None. |
co_lastname | string |
None. |
co_firstname | string |
None. |
co_adds | Collection of BasicAddress |
None. |
co_phone | string |
None. |
co_emp | string |
None. |
co_emp_phone | string |
None. |
co_emp_adds | Collection of BasicAddress |
None. |
vin | string |
None. |
year | string |
None. |
make | string |
None. |
model | string |
None. |
vehicletype | CollateralType |
None. |
amtdue | string |
None. |
nextdue | string |
None. |
payoff | string |
None. |
acctnum | string |
None. |
plate | string |
None. |
platestate | string |
None. |
vloc | VehicleLocation |
None. |